Yassou! couldn't be a success without the generous support of our sponsors. Thank you to the following organizations for their participation this year!
Consider sponsoring.
Why sponsor Yassou!? Well because, your dollars are put to work on a great cause; furthering the youth ministries of a local Christian organization, assisting with their spiritual and educational growth through Christ. Also, because those dollars are put to work right here in the local community, not only procuring foods from local farmers, but also in the form of charitable endowments. Lastly, because the Yassou! fan base is large (almost 5k on facebook alone)! Associating your company or organization with this fantastic event gives you immediate exposure to our online fan base as well as the thousands of patrons who visit us every year!
If you are considering whether a sponsorship is right for you, click here, and one of our wonderful volunteer marketing contacts will be right in touch with you!